Everything You’ll Need To Be a DevOps Engineer

To answer this question, we’ll first take a look at what ‘DevOps’ means as a term, and move onto DevOps engineer roles, responsibilities and key characteristics. We’ll also outline the tools they’ll need access to and how they could fit into a wider development team. Most professionals embracing DevOps culture combine tools and practices with years of enterprise IT experience. Think about acquiring knowledge outside of your skill set—and maybe outside of your team— in order to gain the holistic view needed to become a DevOps engineer. Also, they work alongside project managers to help them create project plans. Specifically, they’re involved in risk assessment, cost and benefit analysis, product feature analysis, resource planning, and timeline projections.

what do devops engineers do

For organizations with on-premise resources this might include managing physical servers, storage devices, switches, and virtualization software in a data center. For a hybrid or entirely cloud-based organization this will usually include provisioning and managing virtual instances of the same components.

DevOps Job Roles and Responsibilities:

DevOps engineers optimize the system release cycle by reducing the time and resources needed for projects or updates. There are many ways DevOps engineers improve the release cycle, including removing time drains, prioritizing critical components of each release, or introducing new software and tools. DevOpsis a collection of practices, tools, and approaches to managing software development and IT projects. The purpose of such roles is to ensure that any new application software being released into production meets quality and security standards and has the appropriate management approvals. At the same time, developers may need support from DevOps engineers when working to improve the process of building and deploying application code. Many traditional system administrators have experience writing shell scripts to automate repetitive tasks.

  • Communication is required to foster a collaborative environment while coding knowledge is necessary to make small occasional code changes.
  • We are going to look a DevOps Engineer job description from Rackspace to understand what industries demand from a DevOps Engineer.
  • DevOps also have project management skills to foster a factorable environment for developing and improving the software product.
  • For example, a DevOps engineer may design a software plugin to help developers code faster and with fewer mistakes.

So far, this article has focused on people who want to become DevOps engineers. If you’re going to hire a DevOps engineer, some essential skills and attributes set great DevOps engineers apart. A programming languageuses a compiler to convert code into machine code.


As of June 28, 2021, the average DevOps engineer salary in the United States was $118,872. This means that most full-time DevOps engineers earn between $107,023 and $132,217. The variation in this range accounts for education, professional experience, skills, responsibilities, location, and the company. If your employer pays you overtime, bonuses, or benefits, your salary might be outside this range. Docker is a Platform-as-a-service tool that allows developers to build, package and deploy code via containers. It’s important to note that DevOps engineers aren’t trying to automate developers out of a job. They are simply working to improve the developer’s efficiency by implementing easier and faster development solutions.

what do devops engineers do

GitHub is a cloud-based hosting service used by 65+ million developers, 3+ million organizations, and 72% of the world’s Fortune 500 companies. DevOps engineers reduce the repetitive tasks needed to bring a new system or update to life.

What skills does a good DevOps engineer have?

The DevOps engineer’s responsibilities are multi-prong – they need to be agile enough to wear a technical hat and manage operations simultaneously. DevOps is a mindset, a culture, and a set of technical practices, hence the quotation marks around “DevOps Engineers” in this article. The result will be a simplified software deployment process and faster achievement of your business goals. Here’s how the four practices transform the software delivery process. That’s IDAP. Get your software made by a company rated 4.9 stars on a Clutch.

  • The DevOps engineer’s responsibilities are multi-prong – they need to be agile enough to wear a technical hat and manage operations simultaneously.
  • There are many ways DevOps engineers improve the release cycle, including removing time drains, prioritizing critical components of each release, or introducing new software and tools.
  • Unsympathetic, unapproachable DevOps engineers struggle with the ‘getting everyone talking to each other more’ aspect of the role, no matter how great they are technically.
  • Now that you know who is a DevOps Engineer, and what are the various roles and responsibilities of a DevOps Engineer, let us have a look at what does it take to become a successful DevOps Engineer — DevOps Skills.
  • Raul Rodriguez joined Zühlke as a Software Engineer in September 2013.
  • The quality assurance team is responsible for finding failures in software.
  • DevOps is a practice that requires a cultural change, new management principles, and the use of technology tools.

It’s also important for a DevOps engineer to have a solid understanding of all the components of a delivery pipeline, and to know the pros and cons of available tools and services. DevOps engineers are leading the change with a wide-ranging knowledge of both software development and IT operations, including coding, testing, access & infrastructure management, deployment, risk analysis, and others. As a DevOps engineer, you’ll also need to be familiar with configuration management tools. These tools help IT professionals consistently configure the different system or network elements.

Article was published on: 09/26/22

Author: Viktor Nikolaev

Victor is a professional crypto investor and stockbroker, specializing in such areas as trading on the stock exchange, cryptov currencies, forex, stocks and bonds. In this blog he shares the secrets of trading, current currency indices, crypt currency rates and tells about the best forex brokers. If you have any questions, you can always contact nikolaev@forexaggregator.com

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