
Why No Developer Should Count To 10,000 Hours by Ken Mazaika

By so doing, you’re sure to achieve optimum result. Find out what time duration works best for you and stick to it.

Since identical twins share 100% of their genes, whereas fraternal twins share only 50%, these findings indicate that differences between people in basic artistic ability is at least in part due to genetics. Using the same data set, over half the variation between skilled and less skilled readers was found to be due to genetics. What they found is that while genes influenced 38% of the musical abilities they measured, no evidence was found that the amount of practice influenced those abilities.

What do you want to learn?

That is to say, an identical twin who practiced music regularly was not any more likely to be good at these abilities than the identical twin who did not practice. This doesn’t mean there’s no point in practicing music.

Can a slow learner go to college?

In today's world, slow learning is not an impediment to attending and graduating from college.

It’s a mindset that we get students started within our free 2-week Coding Bootcamp Prep Course and help them develop over the course of our full 22-week program. That’s because it’s the key trait that you need to succeed as a developer in the real world. You’re most likely familiar with this rule. But in short, it stated that in order to achieve world-class status in any field, you need to practice the right way for 10,000 hours. I personally like their courses because it’s gets you working on real-time projects like you did with the website build rather than multiple tutorials. In coding, the right source starts with learning the basics of any language from a free/paid online course on Udemy or a result-oriented coding platform and complimenting this with quality coding books.

The Great Practice Myth:Debunking the 10,000 Hour Rule

If you assume each year has 52 weeks (it’s a bit messier with things like leap years, so we’re making rough estimates here), that would be around 4.8 years . What about those of us who didn’t have the chance or resources or even the understanding of what to do with our lives, till recently. People want to go out and make a difference with their work as soon as they can! Such thoughts can already push someone towards not pursuing their dreams, if they aren’t motivated enough. Seriously, good articles with good advice are hard to find! I was offered a promotion as a liaison for my company’s development team and our tech support team. I’ve realized that if I intend to grow and add value I must learn to code and I need to learn it quickly.

In the ever-accelerating landscape of new frameworks, new best practices, new languages, new modalities, just getting passable at the new competes with playing Ode to Joy like a pro. This is the difference between knowing something and knowing something. Ten thousand hours can make you a violin virtuoso.

A Portrait of the Author as a Learning Junkie

The point is that Connor McDavid and other hockey players are not the best just because they were born in January, February or March. But that they needed to put the time in to be the best. But that anyone who becomes the best also needs advantages of the time of their birth, or the month of their birth, advantages of their traditions and norms of their cultures. This article debunks Gladwell without getting to the point. It’s not that everyone becomes and expert if they put ten thousand hours in. But that without ten thousand hours no one becomes and expert. Critically studying the 10,000 hour Rule, I have realised that Gladwell only wanted to emphasize on the importance of putting in the Time, ‘showing up’ in order to achieve our set goals.

Learn at least a half dozen programming languages. Understand a program written by someone else. See what it takes to understand and fix it when the original programmers are not around. Think about how to design your programs to make it easier for those who will maintain them after you. I’m the creator of Learn to Code With Me, a blog for beginners teaching themselves how to code. Once upon a time, I was digitally unsavvy.


The rule was propagated by Malcolm Gladwell’s New York Times bestseller, Outliers. In his book, Gladwell talked about the rule frequently, citing the magic number of hours to be practiced before you become a master in that field.

How long did Elon Musk learn to code?

Elon Musk was born in South Africa in 1971, to a working class family. As a precocious 10-year-old, he bought his first computer and taught himself to code. At 12, he sold his first computer game, “Blastar,” for around $500. It was at that moment that one of the world's greatest coder-preneurs was born.

Having said that, I’d like to believe that I’m pretty good at programming. But when you’re trying to deliver a project on deadline, how long do you have to do that? You’re expected to do all that on your own time at many companies. Time to code for skill expansion and reinforcement is not provided. Other companies give you 10% time or 20% time to work on independent projects, but few of them want you to spend that time on just practicing. In programming, that’s like writing the same To Do single page app multiple times.

But guess what the average is between those two numbers? They’ve taken the idea that it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill and be the best in the world at something, and abstracted it to contend that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to be any good at something.

How many hours does it take to build a skill?

Research suggests it takes 10,000 hours to develop a new skill to mastery. In this nonstop world, who has that kind of time? To make matters worse, the early hours of practicing something new are always the most frustrating.