Creating APIs with Python Free 19-Hour Course

ContentDjango RESTDockerizing Flask ApplicationsResourcesCreating APIs with Python - Free 19-Hour Course Class is a combination of live demonstrations and hands-on labs. Another way to plan for your API’s future is…

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How blind people code

ContentIt seems people still really, really love Avatarblind-coderRelated PostsProductivity Tools Nearly three decades have passed since JAWS for Windows was released, during which possibly tens of thousands of blind and…

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Stock Analysis in Python

ContentScraping data from other websitesStock.Indicators.PythonUsing Quandl to get Stock Market Data (Optional)stockreturns-dashboardIntro and Getting Stock Price Data - Python Programming for Finance p.1Stock Price Analysis With Python The yfinance module…

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Docker Compose

ContentAccessing the database ��DatabasesSecurity & ComplianceProduction configuration ��Build and run servicesManaging Postgres container with Docker Compose Docker volumes are the recommended way to persist data. When you stop or down…

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