
Micro-frontend with React and Next js LogRocket Blog

The source code for each individual micro frontend will by definition be much smaller than the source code of a single monolithic frontend. These smaller codebases tend to be simpler and easier for developers to work with. In particular, we avoid the complexity arising from unintentional and inappropriate coupling between components that should not know about each other. By drawing thicker lines around the bounded contexts of the application, we make it harder for such accidental coupling to arise. Once one team has had the experience of getting a feature all the way to production with little modification to the old world, other teams will want to join the new world as well. The existing code still needs to be maintained, and in some cases it may make sense to continue to add new features to it, but now the choice is available.

Where is a micro front end used?

single-spa applications: Microfrontends that render components for a set of specific routes. single-spa parcels: Microfrontends that render components without controlling routes. utility modules: Microfrontends that export shared JavaScript logic without rendering components.

This is the reference to the root DOM node of the custom element. All properties and methods of a standard DOM element like innerHTML or getAttribute() can be used. The final assembly is achieved by a separate composition technique. There are two main types of composition — client-side and server-side. If It works with that plugin I’ll update my code based on it. I’ll definitely explore that package soon and see if there’s any workaround for free or need to use paid only. Left issues and PR, code would never work if fe2 is called app1.

React — Local Development With Docker-Compose

Activation can be driven either by the microapp’s region coming into view, using the underused IntersectionObserver API, or more commonly by pre-notifications sent from the outside. Of course, we can also specify that the microapp be activated immediately. The Yumcha macroapp index.html transformation logic could easily be implemented in a serverless lambda-function fashion, or as middleware for server frameworks such as Express or Koa. This means that it has free reign over what goes in there, and we don’t need to worry about object name collisions, or conflicting access management rules, from another team or application. When this link is clicked, the route will be updated in the container, which will see the new URL and determine that the restaurant micro frontend should be mounted and rendered. That micro frontend’s own routing logic will then extract the restaurant ID from the URL and render the right information. A better way is to use a technique called Skeleton Screens.

What is JavaScript microservices?

A microservice is an application architecture that takes every application function and puts it in its own service, isolated from the others. These services are loosely coupled and independently deployable. This architecture emerged as a solution to the old monolithic approach to web application development.

The obvious gap would then be integration testing of the various micro frontends with the container application. By that we mean, use unit tests to cover your low-level business logic and rendering logic, and then use functional tests just to validate that the page is assembled correctly.


Another common question is, how should the user of a micro frontend application be authenticated and authorised with the server? Obviously our customers should only have to authenticate themselves once, so auth usually falls firmly in the category of cross-cutting concerns that should be owned by the container application.

We believe strongly in the value of full-stack teams, who own their application’s development from visual code all the way through to API development, and database and infrastructure code. One pattern that helps here is the BFF pattern, where each frontend application has a corresponding backend whose purpose is solely to serve the needs of that frontend. While the BFF pattern might originally have meant dedicated backends for each frontend channel , it can easily be extended to mean a backend for each micro frontend. CSS as a language is inherently global, inheriting, and cascading, traditionally with no module system, namespacing or encapsulation. Some of those features do exist now, but browser support is often lacking. In a micro frontends landscape, many of these problems are exacerbated.

Micro-frontend with React and Next.js

We could generate the iframe tag for each microapp, either with a src attribute—which makes another network request—or with the srcdoc attribute filled in with the content populated for us by the server. While we want our teams and our micro frontends to be as independent as possible, there are some things that should be common. We wrote earlier about how shared component librariescan help with consistency across micro frontends, but for this small demo a component library would be overkill. So instead, we have a small repository of common content, including images, JSON data, and CSS, which are served over the network to all micro frontends. If we have separate teams working independently on frontend applications, what about backend development?

Web Components are isolated components that can be used in HTML pages and web applications. The build time integration could be done using web components or any component-driven frameworks.

Parent-Child Communication / DOM Modification

There is enough complexity in each page that we could easily justify a dedicated team for each one, and each of those teams should be able to work on their page independently of all the other teams. They should be able to develop, test, deploy, and maintain their code without worrying about conflicts or coordination with other teams. Our customers, however, should still see a single, seamless website. The src files are mapped into the individual containers and the node application will restart when you make a code change.

Import from ‘other-microfrontend’ is the preferred way to communicate between microfrontends. Here is some documentation that goes over this in more detail. A web app may include one or more types of microfrontends. See an in-depth comparison and our recommendations for choosing between microfrontend types. Component Picker allows managing of nested applications active at the moment. AttributeChangedCallback – It defines behavior that occurs when an attribute is added, changed, or removed.

Code-Splitting in ReactJs with Its Best Practices

Just like in the world of microservices where the backend is chopped into individual services. There’s been a lot of buzz around the microservices concept lately with quite a few businesses adopting it to get rid of huge, monolithic backends. While this distributed style of building the server-side of web apps is more or less stable in terms of research and implementation, going the same way with the frontend is still a problem for many companies. When we are working on big and distributed web applications, it makes sense to build a microservice-based architecture. Micro frontends and web components may be related in several ways.