
How To Use Bootstrap 5: Create A Responsive Bootstrap Navigation Bar by Sebastian CodingTheSmartWay

Mix and match with other components and utilities as needed. Align the contents of your inline forms with utilities as needed. Envato Market has a range of items for sale to help get you started.

The complete code used in this article is available on GitHub. Next, we style the span element to create the three menu icon lines. We use the header and main semantic tags to separate the navigation bar and the main content of the page. An Introduction to JavaScript Event Listeners for Web DesignersWith JavaScript event listeners, you can add dynamic functionality to your web page. You can react to events taken place on the page–for instance, you can…


Add .ms-auto class next to the .navbar-nav to align the content to the right. You can mix icon with dropdown and create a notification dropdown to indicate important news for visitors.

Lastly, we use the display property to hide the checkbox (.side-menu). This code contains the structure and content of the web page. Change the container to limit their horizontal width in different ways. That is all, presently you’ve effectively made a Responsive Route Menu Bar utilizing HTML and CSS.

Responsive Navigation Bar with HTML CSS and Javascript (Slick Nav)

It’s free and a .compress document will be downloaded then you’ve to separate it. Hello companions, today in this blog you’ll figure out how to make a Completely Responsive Route Menu Bar utilizing just HTML and CSS. In the prior blog, I have shared how to make a Responsive Sidebar Menu utilizing HTML and CSS and presently it is the right time to make a route bar in HTML.

What are type selectors in CSS?

The CSS type selector matches elements by node name. In other words, it selects all elements of the given type within a document. /* All <a> elements. */ a color: red; Type selectors can be namespaced when using @namespace .

We remove the max-height property of the nav element by setting it to none. This code adds a black background-color and gray box-shadow to the header. To keep the header at the top of the screen during scrolling, we specify a sticky position and a zero offset from the top. We also adjust the header to stretch across the full width of the device. Lastly, we create a hamburger menu using a checkbox hack. With this strategy, we can style the menu according to whether the checkbox is checked. However, as important as a responsive menu is to a website’s UX, it’s not necessary to build it in JavaScript.

How To Create Responsive Navigation Bar using HTML & CSS | Responsive nav Bar | CodingWang

In this code, we add a @media rule with the device condition set to a 768px min-width. We want devices with this minimum width to see the full navigation menu, rather than the hamburger menu.

Learn how to create a responsive top navigation menu with CSS and JavaScript. A typical example of Facebook navbar usage – 3 columns with icons and distinctive notifications plus a search field on the left.


As you can see above, we have also changed the order of menu items with the help of theorderproperty. This is how we want screen reader users and search engine bots to go through the menu. Lastly, we use the display property to hide the hamburger menu icon. For the menu link elements, we specify a block format display, add padding and color, and change the background-color from white to gray on hover. A basic example of the navbar with the most common elements like link, search form, brand, and dropdown. All of them are explained in detail in the supported content section. We add the event listener to the document object, as we want to listen for clicks on the whole page.