
Difference between promise and async await in Node js

Note that Started request… is logged before we receive the response. Unlike a synchronous function, fetch() returns while the request is still going on, enabling our program to stay responsive. The response shows the 200 status code, meaning that our request succeeded. Passing a handler function into the Promise’s then() method.

I have started to replace some of my promises with async & await. They seem to add great value to programming style. You’ll probably use async functions a lot where you might otherwise use promise chains, and they make working with promises much more intuitive. A promise is used to handle the asynchronous result of an operation. JavaScript is designed to not wait for an asynchronous block of code to completely execute before other synchronous parts of the code can run. With Promises, we can defer the execution of a code block until an async request is completed. This way, other operations can keep running without interruption.

Sometimes Promise can be too low level to work with#

Async/await simply gives you a synchronous feel to asynchronous code. Sometimes, you need all the promises to be fulfilled, but they don’t depend on each other. In a case like that, it’s much more efficient to start them all off together, then be notified when they have all fulfilled. It takes an array of promises and returns a single promise. In this tutorial, we understand the concept of the callback, Promise, and Async/Await.

It is also important to note that as of now you cannot use the await keyword unless you are inside a function which is why we had to create a function to run this code. I think a lot of people are confused and/or misled when no one uses the try/catch block in their code samples. Keeping the syntax errors aside, both of them do the exact same thing is what I feel. I have almost been able to replace most of my promises with async,awaits. We’ve added an error handler using catch(), and also modified the URL so the request will fail. In the above Promise If Condition is true, resolve the promise returning the “Promise is resolved ”, else return an error “Promise is rejected”.

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Promises are the foundation of asynchronous programming in modern JavaScript. A promise is an object returned by an asynchronous function, which represents the current state of the operation. At the time the promise is returned to the caller, the operation often isn’t finished, but the promise object provides methods to handle the eventual success or failure of the operation.

Logging a message that we have started the request. When we show an example, copy it into the console. You will have to reload the page each time you enter a new example, or the console will complain that you have redeclared fetchPromise. Once the “hello” promise is chained with .then, subsequent .then utilizes data from the previous one. To use the above create Promise we use then() for resolve and catch() for reject. If we achieve to get the information from the server, the Promise will be resolved successfully. But if we don’t get the information, then the Promise will be in the rejected state.